What is clearly thought out

Pragmatism and direct style characterize us. Find here the simple answers to the questions frequently asked to our hyper consultants.

You’ve probably heard of Lean beforee.

You’ve probably heard of Lean before.

The principle:

  • Muda – reduce non-value (waste, 7 wastes, unnecessary stains…)
  • Muri – reduce excesses (unnecessary stocks)
  • Mura – reduce irregularities (stabilizing production)

Based on the Kaisen – Continuous improvement, we improve step by step.

We measure by setting up KPI (key performance indicators) – in principle no more than 6. and increasingly complex methods of improvement at each stage of digestion by organizations:

5S, value stream mapping, problem solving   (A3 report, Ishikawa…) …

The important thing is to highlight the problems in order to be able to solve them.

The important thing is to highlight the problems in order to be able to solve them.

It is very important to put in place a very good visual management that allows to visualize the problems where they are and to have management on the ground (Gemba) so that the management accompanies the teams in small daily improvements and ensure the necessary responsiveness.

Initially focused on production, we find these principles today in administrative tasks and in development (engineering and computer science).

We are seeing more and more of the use of the agile method with these weekly sprints that allow continuous improvement thanks to simple and fast stain loops that are tackt by the week.

l est très important de mettre en place un très bon management visuel qui permet de visualiser les problèmes là où ils se trouvent.

So what does hypermanufacturing bring into all of this?

And well the institutionalization of 3 concepts that take into account the technological but above all societal evolution that everyone must have in mind when organizing structures for the improvement of our modern societies:


we see our planet changing and our resources are drying up. Our organizations must take into account today when designing the reduction of the resources necessary for development, production, but also the operation and repairability of components.


The impact of the Covid crisis demonstrates, we need to adapt quickly and make decisions close to the ground while empowering all levels of the organization – we need to change the organization to stick to the news and the field and make everyone a proactive and up-to-date actor on their environment to react in conscience.


Our universe is now digital: connected objects (IOT), cloud, big data are all concepts that are upsetting the economic world with technological and commercial breakthroughs, which change all strata of the economy.


If you are a customer:

For real quality, humanity and operational support that will really help you create value over the medium and long term.   Whether in advising, coaching or staffing.

We are an operational staff who fully understand your needs, with us no  bullshit, no(t) (much)  powerpoint  but concrete actions and results !!!


  • contact@doit-platinium.fr


If you are a candidate:

There’s no hierarchical structure in our house, no fuss, but respect and empowerment!

And yes at Do iT you have the right to make mistakes and wages &benefit conditions are nice.

In addition the rather visionary staff is of (different) characters but human and close to the terrain and your problems.

Basically if you’re tired of the shackles and institutions of service institutions do not hesitate, come share our adventure.

  • candidate@doit-platinium.fr

We are provincials, and started our activity in the West of France

  • Occitanie – Toulouse
  • Grand Aquitaine – Bordeaux
  • Bretagne – Rennes

We have the will to join you quickly to  Montpellier, PACA – Marseille ,  Rhône-Alpes-Lyon.

At Do iT we are not , Woman or Man equity has no color for us.

So beyond the Engineers and other great graduates that we welcome with pleasure, ICG and COMPUTER developers are welcome as are technicians and operational specialists with some experience or not.

With us no hard workers or brownnoses, politics remains at the door.

The important thing is to have a good shape brain and to respect our 4 values:

  • Intelligence
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Intensity

The Do iT MOJO: Realize your goal!

So if it is self-explanatory for you, don’t hesitate and contact us.

  • candidate@doit-platinium.com

Muda: Reduce non-value (waste, 7 wastes, unnecessary stains…)

Muri: Reduce excesses (unnecessary stocks)

Mura : Reduce irregularities (stabilizing production)

… is clearly expressed.

Intrigued? You stay hungry? Any other questions?

Do not hesitate to send us your questions directly in the contact form Contact or better: come and meet us!